The purpose of this study is to see the role of using multimodal texts based on Indonesian local cultural content to improve the literacy skills of BIPA (Indonesian for Foreign Speakers) learners. The focus of literacy skills in this study is the learner's ability to communicate using the communication culture of Indonesian society as a result of understanding multimodal texts. The method used in this study is a single subject experimental research method (single subject method) with research design A-B-A. The single-subject experimental research method was taken because limited participants could not be divided into control and experimental classes (Cresswell, 2013; Fraenkel, Wallen, Hyun, 2015). The instrument used was multimodal text with the theme of communication culture, observation sheets, and communication skills assessment sheets in applying the understanding of communication culture from multimodal texts. The data collection method is done through authentic assessment and direct observation. Participants in this study were four BIPA learners from various professions, namely students, employees, entrepreneurs, and housewives. Data analysis was carried out by looking at the literacy competence of the subject in each condition. The research data is in the form of literacy skills, namely multimodal text interpretation to communicate. The results showed that they could develop their literacy skills including how to communicate, behaviours and communication gestures shown by foreign students. In single subject research, the data used to determine the conclusion of multimodal texts that have a significant or not role in literacy skills is overlap data.