The creep behavior of 8xxx aluminum conductor alloys with different amounts of Fe-rich particles and solutes was investigated. Creep resistance is significantly improved by large amounts of Fe-rich particles and solutes. At 100 °C, a high Fe content of solutes (0.023 wt.%) had a stronger effect on creep resistance than FeAl3 particles, while as the temperature increased to 150 and 200 °C, the effect of a high amount of FeAl3 particles (2.5 vol.%) was stronger than that of Fe solutes. The threshold stress increased with increasing FeAl3 particle and Fe solute contents but decreased with increasing temperature. The increase of the threshold stress due to FeAl3 particles and Fe solutes is independent. The true stress exponent was calculated to be 3.1, 3.8, and 4.5 at 100, 150 and 200 C, respectively.