“…Freud, 1894S. Freud, /1962Gedo, 1980;Higgins, 1987;Horowitz, Markman, Stinson, Fridhandler, & Ghannam, 1990;Klein, 1976;Lockhard & Paulhus, 1988;Moreland & Sweeny, 1984;Perry, 1993;Rogers, 1957;Sackeim & Gur, 1979, 1985Shapiro, 1989;Swann, Stein-Seroussi, & McNulty, 1992;Vaillant, 1992;Weinberger, 1990;Wylie, 1979). The result is that indi-viduals often limit their awareness to include only those experiences congruent with, or distort representations of their experience to sustain, their conscious concept of self (S. Freud, 1914Freud, /1957Kernberg, 1967;Rogers, 1951).…”