The electromagnetic wave diffraction by a PEC axially symmetric screen has been considered, for example, in [2][3][4][5]. In [3][4] the problem was solved using Geometrical and Physical Optics methods. In the present paper the exact Maxwell equations with fields, which satisfy Sommerfeld radiation condition, Meixner edge condition and PEC boundary condition on the rotation surface are solved using the rigorous theory of singular and hypersingular integral equations [1]. In [4], the authors reduced the above-mentioned problem to a set of integrodifferential one-dimensional equations and solved it numerically using piecewise constant presentation of unknown functions. However, this method converges only for the E-polarized axially symmetric problem. PEC spherical disk was considered in [5] by the method of analytical regularization. This method has a controlled accuracy, but using the method presented in [5] only the problem with a plane wave propagating along the axis of the spherical disk can be solved. In contrast, the method presented here has a guaranteed convergence for an arbitrary primary field.The dependence of the fields on time is given by a factor i t e ϖ , which is omitted henceforth. Choose cylindrical coordinates , ,z ρ ϕ where the z axis coincides with the surface S axis of rotation. Than the surface S is created by rotation of some contour ( ) ( ) [ ] : , , 1 ,1 Ã t z t t ρ ∈ − around the axis z . If t is the integration variable, we will use notations like ( ) ( ) 0 0 : , : t z z t ρ ρ = = , [ ] 1,1 t ∈ − , while for the observation point we will use notations as ( ) ( ) : , : z z ρ ρ τ τ = = , [ ] 1,1 τ ∈ − . The current density components j τ and j ϕ and the primary field 0 E components are represented in terms of the Fourier series on the surface S as follows: ( ) ( ) ( ) 0 , m im m j t j t e ψ ν ν ψ ∞ = = ∑ , ( ) ( ) ( ) 0 0 0 , m im m E t E t e ψ ν ν ψ ∞ = = ∑ , , ν τ ϕ = (1) Introduce unknown functions ( ) ( ) m u t and ( ) ( ) m w t connected with the current density components: ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 2 1 m m t j t u t t τ ρ = − , ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 2 1 m m j t h t w t t ϕ τ = − ,The considered scattering problem is reduced to a set systems of hypersingular and singular integral equations for unknown functions ( ) ( ) m u x and ( ) ( ) m w x :