eflexs epilepsies are seizures precipitated by specific sensory stimuli and account for 6% of all epilepsies. Hot water epilepsy (HWE) is a rare form of reflex epilepsies triggered by specific thermal cutaneous stimulus. Different seizure types, both partial and generalized, may occur in HWE, suggesting common afferent pathway involvement. Familial clustering indicates that genetic factors may play a role in the development of the disease. 1 In previous studies, genetic locus of the disease has been defined on 4 th , 9 th and 10 th chromosome. 2,3 The diagnosis of the disorder is usually based on clinical history. Interictal electroencephalography (EEG) and neuroimaging studies are usually normal. CASE REPORT Thirty five years old male patient presented with deja vu like symptoms which occur when taking a bath with hot water and feels himself as reexperiencing beautiful childhood memories. These symptoms were triggered by particularly contact of hot water to his face, lasted in approximately 1 minute and accompanied by short term loss of conciousness. His bathing habit was pouring hot water from a bucket with a mug over his head and he did not describe a seizure while washing his face without bathing. Patient stated that he felt a pleasure during seizures. Self induction and postictal confusion were not described. He described exactly the same seizures twice spontaneously within the last one year without any relation with bathing. His elder sister also experience similar bathing seizures. Thirty nine year old female patient described complex partial seizures without an aura during