Schlüsselwörter:Sozialisation, soziales Lernen, Labeling, Evolution, Familie, Gender, Sozialisationstheorie
ABSTRACTThe explication of the concept of socialisation differs according to the scientific perspective. Therefore, a large number of single insights has been generated which makes some processes comprehensible and transparent. In this article these different approaches and insights shall be merged to a frame-concept in order to achieve a more accurate approximation to the complex concept of socialisation. First of all, theories and their connection to a systemic conception as well as results of research are introduced. Here the perspective ranges from individual-to macro-level systems. The frame-concept offers a first formalisation of the socialisation-effect. The applicability of the formalisation is shown by selected research results. Furthermore, the article discusses the interaction of evolution and culture and its consequences for limitations and chances of socialisation. The ambition is an extended system-theoretical perception of socialisation processes in order to achieve a contribution for a comprehensive theory development.