Grounded in an analysis of an ongoing collaboration with rural peasant movements in Bangladesh, we explore the possibility of forging solidarity through practices of scholar-activism. In so doing, we consider the practice of reflexivity, reconsider forms of solidarity, and draw on the concept of convergence spaces as a way to envision sites of possibility. We draw on the work of Nagar and Geiger's notion of situated solidarities (2007) to propose an alternative form of reflexive practice in scholarship. We then posit that there are 6 "practices" that provide a useful schematic for thinking through the opportunities for the construction of these solidarities.In this paper, we consider the possibility of forging solidarities through practices of scholaractivism. Scholar-activists are those that seek alignment between their academic work "and their political ideals to further social change and work directly with marginal groups or those in struggle" (Autonomous Geographies 2010). Done thoughtfully, scholar-activism practiced through what Nagar and Geiger (2007) call "situated solidarities" can be an effective strategy for producing knowledges that "abide by" (Ismail 2005) the struggles of marginalized communities in ways that refuse but do not ignore the violent and imperialist histories of the academy. By way of illustrating how such solidarities might be achieved in the course of doing scholaractivism, we identify six practices: 'being moved'; 'dispersing power'; 'resourcing potential'; 'resourcing solidarity'; 'challenging assumptions and norms'; and 'sustaining collaboration'. We ground our analysis in recent work conducted by Routledge in Bangladesh with the Bangladesh Krishok (farmer) Federation (BKF) the largest rural-based peasant movement in the country, and the Bangladesh Kishani Sabha (Women Farmers' Association, BKS).In an earlier paper (Derickson and Routledge 2015), we suggested a 'politics of resourcefulness' as a guiding ethos for engaging in the process of doing scholar-activism. This entails commitments to channel the resources and privileges afforded academics to advancing the work of non-academic collaborators; designing research explicitly to ask and answer questions that non-academic collaborators want to know; and engaging in research that explores barriers to sustained and active participation and activism. We also argued that we should engage actively with both sides of the hyphen, emphasizing scholarly work and interventions in scholarly debates as well as resourcing the activist realm. Our intention with this paper is to build on these foundational ethics by engaging the notion of situated solidarities as simultaneously a goal of and a strategy for doing scholar-activism.
Situating solidarities of scholar-activismAs social subjects, we act in "a world over-determined by relations of power exploitation, inequality and violence" (Juris and Khasnabish, 2013: 371). Such relations are accentuated with respect to our location in a dominant institution such as a University, that is enro...