As a consequence of the main result of the paper we obtain that every 2-local isometry of the C * -algebra B(H) of all bounded linear operators on a separable infinite-dimensional Hilbert space H is an isometry. We have a similar statement concerning the isometries of any extension of the algebra of all compact operators by a separable commutative C * -algebra. Therefore, on those C * -algebras the isometries are completely determined by their local actions on the two-point subsets of the underlying algebras.Keywords: operator algebra; isometry; local isometry
AMS 2000 Mathematics subject classification: Primary 47B49In a series of papers (see [1, 6-8] and the references cited therein) we investigated the automorphism groups and the isometry groups of operator algebras from the point of view of how they are determined by their local actions. Our investigations were motivated by the paper by Kadison [3] on local derivations and by a problem of Larson in [5] initiating the study of local automorphisms of Banach algebras. In those papers we considered the following question. When is it true that any local automorphism, that is, any linear transformation which pointwise equals an automorphism (this automorphism may, of course, differ from point to point), is an automorphism? If the answer to this question is affirmative, then we say that the automorphism group of the algebra in question is algebraically reflexive.It is easy to see that if we drop the assumption of linearity of our local maps, then the corresponding statements are no longer true. However, if, instead of linearity plus locality, we assume the so-called 2-locality, then we can obtain positive results. Motivated by the paper by Kowalski and Slodkowski [4], the concept of 2-locality was introduced by Semrl, who obtained the first results on 2-local automorphisms and 2-local derivations [9]. Besides the automorphism group and the derivation algebra, probably the third most important class of transformations on an operator algebra is the isometry group which reflects the geometrical properties of the underlying algebra. This motivates us to consider the local properties of this group. The main result of this paper is that in certain operator algebras, the 2-local isometries are in fact automatically linear. As a consequence, it follows that on some important C * -algebras, every 2-local isometry is an isometry.