Abstract.A force-free surface (FFS) S is a sharp boundary separating a void from a region occupied by a charge-separated force-free plasma. It is proven here under very general assumptions that there is on S a simple relation between the charge density µ on the plasma side and the derivative of δ = E · B along B on the vacuum side (with E denoting the electric field and B the magnetic field). Combined with the condition δ = 0 on S, this relation implies that a FFS has a general stability property, already conjectured by Michel (1979, ApJ 227, 579): S turns out to attract charges placed on the vacuum side if they are of the same sign as µ. In the particular case of a FFS existing in the axisymmetric stationary magnetosphere of a "pulsar", the relation is given a most convenient form by using magnetic coordinates, and is shown to imply an interesting property of a gap. Also, a simple proof is given of the impossibility of a vacuum gap forming in a field B which is either uniform or radial (monopolar).