This July 2020 issue of the Journal of Mixed Methods Research (JMMR) includes an In Memoriam, a call for papers for a Special Issue, and six articles. In her contribution In Memoriam: Isadore Newman, Carolyn Ridenour (2020) honors the memory and achievements of a pioneer of mixed methods, Isadore Newman, who passed away in 2018. Professor Newman contributed books, chapters, articles, and conference papers to the field of mixed methods. Together with Carolyn, Isadore published their seminal book Qualitative-Quantitative Research Methodology: Exploring the Interactive Continuum more than 20 years ago (Newman & Benz, 1998). In this book, they detailed research as a holistic endeavor through an interactive qualitative-quantitative continuum. They emphasized the need for skilled researchers to be familiar with a variety of methods and encouraged the combining and integrating of multiple methods for enhancing the quality of research. Ten years later, they published Mixed Methods Research: Exploring the Interactive Continuum (Ridenour & Newman, 2008). A media review about this book was published in JMMR (Crain-Dorough, 2009). Professor Newman served as a founding member and contributed many years of service on the JMMR editorial board. We encourage JMMR readers to read Dr. Ridenour's tribute to Isadore Newman. In the editorial of this issue, Fetters and Molina-Azorin (2020) announce a call for papers for a Special Issue on COVID-19 and catastrophic social changes. The unprecedented scale of the pandemic and the disruption of social institutions in the COVID era underscore the critical need for mixed methods research in virtually all disciplines and social institutions. Through the Special Issue, we seek to rapidly disseminate novel applications and innovative methodologies that could document the toll on and resilience of those affected by this catastrophe. We challenge researchers in the healing sciences, education, business, health policy, political science,