Platelet transfusion became an indispensable therapy in the modern medicine. Although the clinical advantage of platelet transfusion is well established, adverse reactions upon transfusion, especially transmission of bacterial infection, still represent a major challenge. While bacterial contamination is favored by the storage of platelets at room temperature, cold storage may represent a solution for this clinically relevant issue. In this study, we aimed to elucidate whether plasma has protective or detrimental effects on cold-stored platelets. We investigated the impact of different residual plasma contents in apheresis-derived platelet concentrates, stored at 4°;C or room temperature, on platelet function and survival. We found that platelets stored at 4°C have higher expression of apoptosis marker compared to room temperature-stored platelets leading to an accelerated clearance from the circulation in a humanized animal model. While cold-induced apoptosis was independent of the residual plasma concentration, cold storage was associated with better adhesive properties and higher response to activators. Of note, delta granule-related functions, such as ADP-mediated aggregation and CD63 release, were better preserved at 4°C especially in 100% plasma. An extended study to assess cold-stored platelet concentrates produced under standard care GMP conditions showed that platelet function, metabolism and integrity were better compared to those stored at room temperature. Taken together, our results show that residual plasma concentration does not have a cardinal impact on the cold storage lesions of apheresis-derived platelet concentrates and indicate that the current generation of additive solutions is suitable substitutes for plasma to store platelets at 4°C.