Soil solutions and the surface waters are characterized by properties, processes and regimes. Soil solutions of different soils and their surface water have different biological activity and change the activity of dissolved stimulants and inhibitors. The object of the study are soil solutions of the main types of soils obtained in the model experiments with the ratio of soils: water equal to 1:1 and 1: 2, soil solutions and surface water in the flooding of soils with water for 1 week – 3 months. The research method consisted in the assessment of pH, Eh, activity of K, NO3, NH4, Ca, Mg by conventional methods, assessment of concentrations of water-soluble compounds extracted from soils by ionite membranes, in the assessment of biological activity of solutions using biotests. The following is suggested for additional evaluation: the using of cation and anion membranes, determination of interrelation between the properties of waters, equation of pair correlation and multiply regression. The informative value of the gradient of surface water concentrations at different distances from the floor of the reservoir, at different depths of the overwatered soils is shown. The mobility of Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn in soils and the content of their water-soluble forms depends on both pH and Eh, whose influence on the content of water-soluble forms of the considered cations shows the effects of synergy and antagonism. The rate of change in the composition of soil solutions during soil flooding depends on a combination of soil properties, temperature, and duration of flooding. Soil solutions of different soils and their surface waters have differentrates.