The characteristics of habitats, individuals and populations of four submerged macrophytes, Lobelia dortmanna L., Isoëtes lacustris L., Sphagnum denticulatum Brid. and Fontinalis antipyretica Hedw., were studied in 12 soft water oligohumic lakes which had no inflow of allochtonic DOM and the DOC concentration in the water was <4.0 mg C dm -3 and 13 humic lakes enriched with allochthonous dissolved organic matter (DOM) from drained peat bogs and ranging in DOC water concentration from 4.1 to 44.0 mg C dm -3 . The analyses of population disintegration were conducted basing on characteristics of individuals (size, habitat, fertility) and populations (aggregation density index, settlement index of the population area). The settlement index of the population area for Lobelia, Fontinalis, Isoëtes, Sphagnum decreased from 8.4 to 6.2 g d.w. m -2 , 4.6 to 0.01 g d.w. m -2 , 85.4 to <0.001 g d.w. m -2 and 39.3 to 7.2 g d.w. m -2 , respectively. Similar trends were observed in aggregation density. The general pattern of the disintegration of populations of these species was always similar. It was independent of the source macrophytes drew resources from or their susceptibility to environmental changes. Individuals began to be eliminated from the deep and central parts of the population area. The remainder of the populations, which persist in the shallowest, best-illuminated part of the area, are themselves endangered by disturbances caused by wavy motion. The only populations of submerged macrophytes which can survive in polyhumic lakes under such conditions are those which are resistant to disturbances common in the shallow littoral (Lobelia dortmanna, Fontinalis antipyretica).KEY WORDS: soft water lakes, macrophytes, DOM, disturbance, population structure, Isoëtes lacustris, Lobelia dortmanna, Sphagnum denticulatum, Fontinalis antipyretica.pes of ecosystems (Faliñski and Venanzoni 1991; Gillet and Gallandt 1996). However, in no other ecosystem is the vegetation structure as simple or has as few species as aquatic ecosystems do. The main element of this structure are dominant aggregations. They have their own rhythm of variations in abundance and density (Szmeja 1994a, b). As such, they are not only structural, but also functional vegetation units. Therefore, the aggregation density and the settlement index of the population area are useful characteristics in the study of the mechanisms of the disintegration of underwater plants populations that are under anthropogenic pressure.It was presumed that since the dominant macrophytes in soft water lakes have diverse plasticity reaction patterns and life strategies, in the sense that Grime proposed (1979), the extinction of species will vary in lakes supplied with DOM. It is hypothesized that the intensity of population collapse in lakes enriched with allochthonous acidic DOM depends on the degree of habitat transformation, the location in the littoral of the population area and life strategy of the species. It was also the intention of this paper to determine whether ...