Abstract. The protochlorophyllide content of dark-grown bean leaves was determined at various ages. It was detectable the second day after germination and reached a maximum on abouit the tenth day.The resynthesis of protochlorophyllide following a single irradiation and the rate of the 685 to 673 m, shift of the newly formed chlorophyll was examined. Leaves up to 5-days old show no lag phase in protochilorophyllide resynthesis. By the sixth day, a lag phase is evident which increases with age. The rate of the 685 to 673 my shift is similarly age dependent.In the leaf, a dark synthesis of protochlorophyllide follows the lhototransformation of the pigment to chlorophyll. The time coutrse of the process was examine(d by several workers. Liro (1), Scharfniagel (2), alnd Virgin (3) found( no lag phase in the dark synithesis. Shibata (4) anid Btltler (5) nioted a lag phase in the dark synthesis which wN-as dependent oni the age of the leaf. Madsen (6) and Atgngstinnssen and Mladsen (7) reported a lag phase in the resynthesis.A systematic examination of the time couirse of protochlorophylli'de resynthesis followilng illtiminatioIn anfl -the spectral shifts of newly forme(l chlorophyll were made on (lark-grown beani leaves. The age of the tisstle has a profoinnd ilnflulenlce oIn many aspects of protochlorophyllide and the newly formetd chlorophyll, and these resullts are presented here.
Materials and MethodsBeanl plants, Plh
ResultsThe protochlorophrll ide cointeint of ,dark-grown bean leaves of variotus ages wNas examined. The pigment conteint is low in very youIIIg 'leaves, inlcreases rapidly to a maxiimal valtue and then remaiins constant (fig 1). The dark resynthesis of proto-T_