Abstract. We analyse data on forward η-meson photoproduction off a proton target and extract the η→γγ decay width utilizing the Primakoff effect. The hadronic amplitude that enters into our analysis is strongly constrained because it is fixed from a global fit to available γp → pη data for differential cross-sections and polarizations. We compare our results with present information on the two-photon η-decay from the literature. We provide predictions for future PrimEx experiments at Jefferson Laboratory in order to motivate further studies.The decay of the light pseudoscalar mesons into two photons is related to symmetry breaking through the axial vector anomaly and reveals one of the fundamental properties of QCD [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8]. The Adler-Bell-Jackiw (ABJ) anomaly [1,2] allows to determine the decay constant of those pseudoscalar mesons from the two-photon decay width (invoking a smooth extrapolation from the chiral limit to the physical light quark masses). While this is indeed feasible for the π 0 -meson, the situation is more complicated for the η-meson since the extrapolation from the η-mass to zero and the dominance of the ABJ anomaly is debatable. Moreover, for the η and η mesons the decay constants [9] alone do not determine the two-photon decay widths uniquely. It is necessary to know in addition the singlet-octet mixing angle.In an extension of chiral perturbation theory including the η meson -from now on called the Extended Effective Theory (EET)-the evaluation of the η → γγ decay width requires a proper mixing of the SU (3) pseudoscalar singlet and octet states so that [10]Here, f 0 η and f 8 η are the singlet and octet decay constants, θ P is the mixing angle, and α is the fine structure constant. To estimate the η → γγ radiative decay width we take from ref. Experimentally, the η → γγ decay width was determined through the QED process e + e − → e + e − η and also from measurements of the Primakoff effect with nuclear targets. The results from these two classes of experiments are in conflict [12]. While all of the QED results [13][14][15][16][17][18] are in line with eq. (2) within the experimental error, the Primakoff measurements [19,20] agree with the EET only within three times the experimental error bars, say. It was argued [21] that most of the uncertainties in the evaluation from the Primakoff effect are due to the nuclear response. Recently, it was shown [22] that the η → γγ results might depend significantly on contributions from incoherent η-meson photoproduction off nuclei.The Primakoff measurements [23] on a proton target are not included in the list of the PDG [12,21], although the quality of these data, collected at DESY, is comparable or even better than the results obtained with nuclear targets [19,20]. These data were considered [24] as a strong motivation for further η → γγ Primakoff studies [25] at JLab, however, so far they were not used explicitely for an extraction of the two-photon decay width.