In this work, we consider a nonquadratic dilaton ΦðzÞ ¼ ðκzÞ 2−α in the context of the static soft wall model to describe the mass spectrum of a wide range of vector mesons from the light up to the heavy sectors. The effect of this nonquadratic approach is translated into nonlinear Regge trajectories with the generic form M 2 ¼ aðn þ bÞ ν. We apply this sort of fits for the isovector states of ω, ϕ, J=ψ, and ϒ mesons and compare with the corresponding holographic duals. We also extend these ideas to the heavy-light sector by using the isovector set of parameters to extrapolate the proper values of κ and α through the average constituent massm for each mesonic specie considered. In the same direction, we address the description of possible non-qq candidates usingm as a holographic threshold, associated with the structure of the exotic state, to define the values of κ and α. We study the π 1 mesons in the light sector and the Z c , Y, and Z b mesons in the heavy sector as possible exotic vector states. Finally, the RMS error for describing these twenty-seven states with fifteen parameters (four values for κ and α respectively and seven values form) is 12.61%.