This work is motivated by the need to understand physical mechanisms governing near-field phenomena, such as flame lift-off, in high-Reynolds number jet flames. Numerical studies of vortex-induced flame extinction/reignition are performed for conditions representative of the near field of high-Reynolds number ͑ϳ100 000͒ jets under high pressure and temperature conditions. The governing equations for compressible, viscous, and reacting flows are solved along with a single-step irreversible chemical kinetic model for gaseous n-heptane oxidation. Extinction/ reignition phenomena, influenced by unsteady and curvature effects, are observed. Unsteady flamelet/progress variable models are shown to accurately describe the flame response during extinction/reignition observed in the flame-vortex studies. Furthermore, while unsteady effects on extinction/reignition are found to diminish with weaker vortices and relatively strong flames, curvature effects are found to increase with relatively thicker flames. The observed flame-vortex interaction regimes are summarized on an outcome diagram, which is useful to understand the nature of localized flame dynamics in the near field of jet flames.