The nonlinear polarization rotation influence on the pulse duration in the " Figure 8" fiber laser configuration is presented. The broadening of the pulse spectrum was observed. Bound states of solitons with different pulse separation were obtained. Keywords : passive mode-locking, erbium doped fiber laser, bound solitons.
INTRODUCTIONThe generation of ultrashort pulses has a large application in fiber telecommunication and fiber metrology. This area is developing quite fast during the last few years. Erbium doped fiber spectrum covers the third telecommunication window. Hence, these technique seems to be attractive source for ultrafast transmission systems, fiber sensing and metrology. Particularly the passive mode-locking technique enables the oscillation of ultrashort, subpicosecond pulses. The passive mode-locked fiber lasers can be distinguished by three main mechanisms: with saturable absorber, with nonlinear polarization rotation (NPR), with nonlinear optical/amplifying mirror (NOLM/NALM).Typical configurations of NPR laser is presented in Fig. 1a. The role of mode-locking element plays an optical polarizer inserted between two polarization controllers. One of them -PC1 changes the linear state of polarization into an elliptical one. As a result of nonlinearity the polarization state of the beam inside the laser ring cavity starts rotating. Second polarization controller PC2 should settle the state where central part of the pulse travels through the polarizer, when the wings of the pulse are blocked. As a result of that pulses become shorter. The main nonlinear effects responsible for NPR are self phase modulation (SFM) and cross phase modulation (XPM). This configuration allows to obtain shortest pulses, for EDF mode-locked lasers, it is about 70 fs [1].