As election of bioactive polyphenols of different structural classes, such as the ellagitannins vescalagin and vescalin, the flavanoidsc atechin, epicatechin,e pigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), and procyanidin B2, and the stilbenoids resveratrol and piceatannol, were chemically modified to bear ab iotin unit for enabling their immobilization on streptavidin-coateds ensor chips. These sensorc hips were used to evaluate in real time by surfacep lasmon resonance(SPR) the interactionso fthree different surface-bound polyphenolic ligandsp er sensorc hip with variousp rotein analytes, including human DNA topoisomerase IIa,f lavonoid leucoanthocyanidin dioxygenase, B-cell lymphoma 2a poptosis regulator protein,a nd bovine serum albumin. The types and levels of SPR responses unveiled major differences in the association,o rl ack thereof,a nd dissociation between ag iven protein analyte and different polyphenolic ligands. Thus,t his multi-analysis SPR technique is av aluablem ethodology to rapidly screena nd qualitatively compare various polyphenol-protein interactions.