Rev. BRas. estud. uRBanos Reg., sÃo PauLo, v.21, n.2, p.280-297, MaIo.-ago. 2019 2 8 0 P a l a v r a s -c h a v e : desconcentração produtiva; desenvolvimento regional; políticas públicas regionais; reestruturação produtiva e territorial; organização territorial: reconfiguração territorial.
A b s t r A c t :The process of productive deconcentration that began around the 1970s brought expectations about a more balanced regional development in Brazil. After a virtuous cycle of deconcentration, during the period of the economic miracle, the process cooled, raising concerns about a productive repolarization in the Southeast region and an eminent fragmentation of the regional economies. In this context, the present article will defend, with the subsidy of studies from a national and regional perspective, that a combination of factors such as political-institutional reorientation, economic growth cycle and the favorable international context, among others, contributed to the emergence of a more pronounced dynamic of productive deconcentration in the period between 2000 and 2015.K e y w o r d s : productive deconcentration; regional development; regional public policies; productive and territorial restructuring; territorial organization: territorial reconfiguration.