WThe idea of organizing this workshop originated from the project Logics for Qualitative Reasoning funded by the National Science Centre (DEC-2011/02/A/HS1/00395). The project is concerned with the logical foundations of qualitative representation and reasoning applied in artificial intelligence. Qualitative Reasoning (QR) has emerged as a subfield of Artificial Intelligence to deal with representation and reasoning about continuous aspects of entities and systems in a symbolic, but human-like manner. The main issue in the QR approach is to develop an adequate tool for modeling situations in which information is not sufficiently precise or cannot be described by numerical values.The project aims to develop logical theories and tools for qualitative representation and reasoning, with applications to many domains for which qualitative inference methods are significant.The project is also aimed at analysis of model-theoretic properties of qualitative logics, such as definability and expressive power, finite model property, and decidability, among others. The third research objective is the construction and implementation of deduction systems for the logics developed in the project. We focus on decidable logics and their automated decision procedures in the style of relational dual tableaux.The LQMR workshop categorically addresses the theory and application of logical formalisations of qualitative reasoning within engineering, technical, and computational cognitive systems. The workshops will build bridges between different research groups interested in qualitative modelling and reasoning. In particular, perspectives from logic and computer science employing formal methods for QR, formal methods for spatial reasoning, and researchers dealing with fundamental philosophical aspects of QR are of focus. Additionally, problems of more applied nature in the filed of engineering and artificial intelligence are also emphasised.The contributed papers focus on three main areas: qualitative spatial reasoning, its possible applications, and applications of qualitative methods to philosophical problems.In addition to the contributed papers, four invited keynote talks were delivered: by prof. Thomas Bittner from State University of New York at Buffalo, who spoke on vague region-based geometry, by dr Ian Pratt-Hartmann from The University of Manchester, who devoted his presentation to topological logics of Euclidean spaces, by prof. Kenneth Forbus, who spoke on three frontiers for qualitative reasoning, and by prof. Ivan Bratko, whose lecture was concerned with the problem of learning qualitative models.These Proceedings will augment state of the art in Qualitative Reasoning with several excellent references.We thank all authors and participants for their contributions. v HE AAIA'15 will bring researchers, developers, practitioners, and users to present their latest research, results, and ideas in all areas of artificial intelligence. We hope that theory and successful applications presented at the AAIA'15 will be of interest to ...