Purpose: is to evaluate the modern role of transport infrastructure as the factor in the development of the regional economy and strengthening competitive positions outside the country using the example of China.Methods: the correlation-regression analysis, traditionally used to solve the task of the identifying influencing factors, was applied to the economic and transportation indicators across 28 Chinese regions for the year 2021. It was supplemented by the analysis of statistical data and the thematic case study of data on Chinese investments into the transport infrastructure projects both domestically, and abroad.Results: the assessment of infrastructure development of the railway and port infrastructure was carried out based on the analysis of the dynamics of the main indicators. The construction of a correlation and regression analysis model made it possible to form an idea of the impact of China's transport infrastructure on the gross regional product of the provinces. The degree of penetration of Chinese influence into other economies of the world through investments in transport infrastructure has been assessed. The tools for promoting infrastructure projects have been identified that characterize Chinese specifics and make it possible to ensure the country's competitiveness at the global level.Conclusions and Relevance: China is the striking example of the widespread construction of ports, railways, and highways, in addition to the creation of direct freight vehicles and dry cargo ships for the distribution of their products. The high importance of transport infrastructure and the number of employed people in this industry for the growth of the regional product of the provinces of China has been revealed. In the external circuit, the PRC is actively using the strategy of lending to other countries for the construction of infrastructure on their territories. The construction of roads, airports, seaports, power plants and transmission lines allow China to create infrastructure enclaves in developing countries to market its goods and export raw materials for subsequent processing. Borrowing the experience of the PRC in terms of mechanisms for granting grants and loans for the implementation of infrastructure projects will allow Russia to create an extensive system of movement of national goods to markets where they are most in demand in the territories of neighboring states.