. Dynamic cerebral autoregulation remains stable during physical challenge in healthy persons. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 285: H1048-H1054, 2003; 10.1152/ajpheart.00062.2003.-The effects of physical activity on cerebral blood flow (CBF) and cerebral autoregulation (CA) have not yet been fully evaluated. There is controversy as to whether increasing heart rate (HR), blood pressure (BP), and sympathetic and metabolic activity with altered levels of CO2 might compromise CBF and CA. To evaluate these effects, we studied middle cerebral artery blood flow velocity (CBFV) and CA in 40 healthy young adults at rest and during increasing levels of physical exercise. We continuously monitored HR, BP, endexpiratory CO 2, and CBFV with transcranial Doppler sonography at rest and during stepwise ergometric challenge at 50, 100, and 150 W. The modulation of BP and CBFV in the low-frequency (LF) range (0.04-0.14 Hz) was calculated with an autoregression algorithm. CA was evaluated by calculating the phase shift angle and gain between BP and CBFV oscillations in the LF range. The LF BP-CBFV gain was then normalized by conductance. Cerebrovascular resistance (CVR) was calculated as mean BP adjusted to brain level divided by mean CBFV. HR, BP, CO 2, and CBFV increased significantly with exercise. Phase shift angle, absolute and normalized LF BP-CBFV gain, and CVR, however, remained stable. Stable phase shift, LF BP-CBFV gain, and CVR demonstrate that progressive physical exercise does not alter CA despite increasing HR, BP, and CO 2. CA seems to compensate for the hemodynamic effects and increasing CO2 levels during exercise.cross-spectral analysis; low-frequency blood pressure-cerebral blood flow velocity gain; phase shift angle; cerebrovascular resistance CEREBRAL AUTOREGULATION normally ensures that cerebral blood flow (CBF) remains relatively constant despite fluctuations in blood pressure (BP), provided that mean BP remains within the range of autoregulation, usually from 50 to 170 mmHg (6,21,37). If BP exceeds these limits, CBF increases, initially in a curvilinear relation, and then follows BP passively in a linear relation (21, 31). During increasing levels of physical effort, cerebral perfusion is not only driven by increasing BP and heart rate (HR) but also has to adjust to high levels of sympathetic activity and to altered metabolism with changes in PO 2 and PCO 2 . With increasing muscle metabolism, PO 2 in the blood decreases, whereas PCO 2 increases, unless augmented respiration compensates for the higher O 2 demand and production of CO 2 (17,35,54). Cerebral autoregulation has to counterbalance all the cardiovascular and metabolic responses to physical effort. Although some studies suggest that CBF velocity (CBFV) and CBF remain stable despite physical effort (15), several others found an increase in CBFV (14, 17, 30) as well as regional CBF (10, 55) and global CBF during exercise (24, 51).During cardiovascular changes as they occur with increasing physical challenge, cerebral autoregulation can be evaluated b...