In today's era, supply chain functions play a significant role in every business model, whether service-based or product based. Effective and efficient supply chain practices help the business grow, provide value to its buyers, and help make rational decisions that encompass the nation's economic, social, and environmental benefits. These supply chain functions can only be implemented and provide sustainable benefits if no direct or indirect disruption is inferred due to internal or external environmental factors. Our nation's textile manufacturers and exporters are the primary sources that propel the nation's economy. In short, the textile industries drive ninety per cent of the economy. Eventually, their supply chain practices are surrounded by many factors, which lead them to run or halt their operations. If we enlighten the past, a major global environmental factor, significant supply chain disruptions occur and especially strikes our country's primary economy-driven sector. It is a cross-sectional study. The present study was conducted in the urban areas of Karachi, Pakistan. Data collection will be through questionnaires and surveys. It is designed for information collection so it can use to determine the impact of this factor in significant supply chain functions, including procurement, warehousing, logistics, and import & export.