While it is well accepted that climate change and growing water needs affect long-term sustainable water resources management, performing accurate simulations of water cycle and energy balance dynamics at regional scale remains a challenging task.Traditional Soil-Vegetation-Atmosphere-Transfer (SVAT) models are used for numerical surface water and energy simulations. These models, by conception, do not account for the groundwater lower boundary that permits a full hydrosystem representation. Conversely, while addressing important features such as subsurface heterogeneity and river-aquifer exchanges, groundwater models often integrate overly simplified upper boundary conditions ignoring soil heating and the impacts of vegetation processes on radiation fluxes and root-zone uptakes. In this paper, one of the first attempts to jointly model water and energy fluxes with a special focus on both surface and groundwater at the regional scale is proposed on the Seine hydrosystem (78,650 km 2 ), which overlays one of the main multi-aquifer systems of Europe.This study couples the SVAT model ORCHIDEE and the process-based hydrologicalhydrogeological model CaWaQS, which describes water fluxes, via a one-way coupling approach from ORCHIDEE toward CaWaQS based on the blueprint published by de Marsily et al. [1978]. An original transport library based on the resolution of the diffusion/advection transport equation was developed in order to simulate heat transfer in both 1D-river networks and pseudo-3D aquifer systems. In addition, an analytical solution is used to simulate heat transport through aquitards and streambeds. Simulated ORCHIDEE surface water and energy fluxes feed fast surface runoff and slow recharge respectively and then is used as CaWaQS forcings to compute river discharges, hydraulic heads and temperature dynamics through space and time, within each of the hydrosystem compartments. The tool makes it possible to establish a fully consistent water and energy budget over a period of 17 years. It also simulates temperature evolution in each aquifer and evaluates that river thermal regulation mostly relies by order of importance on short wave radiations (109.3 W•m −2 ), groundwater fluxes (48.1 W•m −2 ) and surface runoff (22.7 W•m −2 ).