ocietal demands for water have increased due to rapid population growth, water pollution, and climate change across the U.S. (Postel et al., 1996). The southeastern U.S. will experience a likely 40% increase in population on average between 2000 and 2025, with much of the growth being on the coastal region (NPA Data Services, Inc., 1999). This rapid increase in population and associated landuse change (Wear and Greis, 2002) and water degradation will further stress the water resources and ecosystems in the coastal zones. Climate change and climate variability due to global warming add new dimensions to modern water resource management, as climate change may further stress water availability for human and natural ecosystems at a large scale (National Assessment Synthesis Team, 2000). Seasonal droughts that have occurred in North Carolina and around the southeastern U.S. in the past several years have exposed the vulnerability of the public water sup- ply to climate variability and ever-increasing water demand in a traditionally "water-rich" region. Quantifying streamflow response to potential impacts of climate change and variability is the first step to developing long-term water resource management plans.Landuse change alters the hydrologic cycles by affecting ecosystem evapotranspiration, soil infiltration capacity, and surface and subsurface flow regime Sun et al., 2004). Empirical manipulation studies on the effects of landuse and climate changes on water resources have been limited at the watershed scale (Rose and Peters, 2001). Experiments and data analyses have been rarely done for large basins. Since it is not feasible to conduct vegetation manipulation studies for large basins, hydrologists often use routine monitoring data to detect hydrologic changes due to historic landcover changes (Trimble and Weirich, 1987). During the past century, the effects of deforestation and reforestation on watershed hydrology have been well studied around the world (Andreassian, 2004;Brown et al., 2005), in the southeastern U.S. (Sun et al., 2001(Sun et al., , 2004Jackson et al., 2004), and in North Carolina (Swank et al., 2001;Skaggs et al., 2006). Such studies used a "paired watershed" approach or analyzed long-term hydrologic data for a single watershed that experienced landcover and landuse change (Bosch and Sheridan, 2006). Overall, past studies suggest that the magnitude of hydrologic response to landcover change varies with climate, geology, soil, and vegetation growth status (e.g., vigor, age) (Chang, 2002;Barlage et al., 2002;Brian et al., 2004). Future watershed hydrologic changes due to land conversion are expected to be site-specific, and climate variability is an important factor controlling basin hydrologic processes. S