Effect of Production Capability, Land Area and Production Costs on ProductionAmounts and Banana Farmer Income. This research was conducted in Selemadeg BaratDistrict, Tabanan Regency with respondents from banana farmers covering the area of eachvillage in Selemadeg Barat District, Tabanan Regency. The sampling technique used is SimpleRandom Sampling. Sample in this study amounted to 92 respondents. This study uses path pathanalysis techniques to analyze the direct influence between variables one with other variablesand the sobel test analyzes indirect effects through intervening variables. Based on the resultsof the study concluded that the production capacity, land area, and production costs have apositive and significant effect on the amount of banana production in the Selemadeg BaratDistrict. Production capability has a positive and insignificant effect on the income of bananafarmers in Selemadeg Barat District. Production costs have a negative and insignificant effecton the income of banana farmers in Selemadeg Barat District. Production capability, land area,and production costs have an indirect influence on the income of banana farmers through theamount of production in the District of West Selemadeg.