This review section covers journal articles and conference papers related to biosolids and sludge management that were published in 2002. The literature review has been divided into the following sections:• Regulations and biosolids management planning,• Biosolids characteristics and measurement,• Odor issues,• Sludge treatment technologies, and • Disposal and reuse. The biosolids characteristics and measurement section includes stability, metals, nutrients, synthetic organics, and pathogens. An entire section was devoted to odor issues since a host of relevant papers were identified from the Water Environment Federation's Odors and Toxic Air Emissions 2002 Conference in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The sludge treatment technologies include: pretreatment, anaerobic digestion, aerobic digestion, dewatering, drying, composting, alkaline stabilization, and innovative treatments. A vast majority of the treatment papers relate to anaerobic digestion of sludge. The disposal and reuse section considers land filling and land application as disposal options. Much of the literature dealt with the agricultural land application of biosolids/sludge, so that this subsection is also fairly lengthy. Within land Literature Review 2003