Entrepreneurship is one of core social and economic development factor in spatial systems, particularly at regional scale. This article presents results of analyses focused on the place and role of entrepreneurship in the regional development policy in the light of the National Strategy of Regional Development 2010-2020: Regions, Cities, and Rural Areas for Poland (the NSRD 2010-2020. Furthermore, key concepts of the Strategy were contrasted with entrepreneurship-related concepts presented in the regional development strategies of two other countries -Finland i.e.: Finland's Regional Development Strategy 2020 (FRDS 2020) and Bulgaria: The National Regional Development Strategy of the Republic of Bulgaria for the period 2005 -2015 (NRDS 2005 -2015. The analysis leads to a conclusion that the role of entrepreneurship in the Polish regional development strategy is underestimated compared to the position it has in the Finnish and Bulgarian strategies; thus, it is necessary to increase its importance not only in the key assumptions of the strategy but also when implementing these principles of the regional development policy in practice.