Abstract. Saltwater intrusion into potential drinking water aquifers due to the injection of CO2 into deep saline aquifers is one of the hazards associated with the geological storage of CO2. Thus, in a site-specific risk assessment, models for predicting the fate of the displaced brine are required. From the very beginning, this research on brine migration, has been aimed at involving expert and stakeholder knowledge in simulating the impacts of injecting CO2 into deep saline aquifers by means of a participatory modeling process. The involvement exercise made use of two approaches. First, guideline-based interviews were carried out aimed at eliciting expert and stakeholder knowledge and assessments on geological structures and mechanisms affecting CO2 induced brine migration. Second, a stakeholder workshop, including the world café format, was used to evoke evaluations and judgments on the modeling approach, on scenario selection, and on preliminary simulation results. The participatory modeling approach gained several results covering brine migration in general, the geological model sketch, scenario development, and the review of the preliminary simulation results.