The molecular structure determination of the title compound shows that four Br atoms are located on antipodal pyrrole rings. The macrocyclic skeleton, including the four Br atoms, is almost planar, in spite of the presence of the bulky Br atoms on the porphyrin periphery.
CommentThere is increasing interest in reactions of the pyrrole rings on the periphery of porphyrins. With regard to the electrophilic bromination on 5,10,15,20-tetraphenylporphyrin (Trim), the reported results have been contradictory (Crossley, Burn, Chew, Cuttance & News©m, 1991; Call©t, 1974). Callot (1974) suggested that there existed one Br atom per pyrrole ring, but the results reported by Crossley et al. (1991) indicated four Br atoms on the antipodal pyrrole tings. In order to resolve this discrepancy, we prepared the title compound, (I), following the literature method (Crossley et al., 1991) and obtained suitable specimens for crystal structure analysis by layering a solution of the title compound in CHC13 with petroleum/piperidine (333-363 K). Our results show that four Br atoms are located on the antipodal (transannular) pyrrole rings, as shown in Fig. 1; this is in agreement with the conclusion drawn by Crossley et al. (1991). Thus, electrophilic bromination occurs regiospecifically at the antipodal pyrrole ring of free-base porphyrin.The C12---C13 and C42---C43 bond lengths are 1.33 (2) and 1.36 (2)A, respectively, and the distances between N1 and N1 i, and N2 and N2 i, are 4.21 (2) and 4.10(2)A, respectively. The corresponding C---C bond lengths and N...N distances in TPP are 1.345 and 4.2,~, respectively (Silvers & Tulinsky, 1964). The observed deviations are attributable to the electronwithdrawing properties of the Br atoms on the pyrrole rings. Adjacent pyrrole rings in the title compound are tilted by 4.8 (5) ° with respect to each other, indicating that the macrocycle skeleton is almost planar despite the large-volume Br atoms on the porphyrin periphery.
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