Measuring, analyzing, reducing, and optimizing distortions in map projections is important in cartography. In this study, we introduced a novel image-based angular distortion metric based on the previous spherical great circle arcs-based metric. Images with predefined patterns were used to generate distorted images using mapping software. The generated distorted images with known patterns were then exploited to calculate the proposed angular distortion metric. The mapping software performed the underlying transformation of map projections. Therefore, there was no direct explicit dependence on the forward equations of the map projections in our proposed metric. However, there were fairly large computation errors in the ordinary image-based approach without special correction. To reduce the error, we introduced surface-fitting-based noise reduction in our approach. We established and solved systems of linear equations based on bivariate polynomial functions in the process of noise reduction. Sufficient experiments were made to validate the proposed image-based metric and the accompanying noise reduction approach. In the experiment, the NASA G.Projector was employed as the mapping software for evaluating more than 200 map projections. Experimental results demonstrated that the proposed image-based approach and surface fitting-based noise reduction are feasible and practical for the evaluation of the angular distortion of map projections.