This paper proposes a method for identifying and correcting the observed distortion in the population distribution of Brazilian municipalities present in the Demographic Census data (Litschig, 2012 andMonasterio, 2014). This distortion is characterized by a high concentration of municipalities with populations close to the bands used as criteria for distributing funds to municipalities in Brazil (Municipal Participation Fund, MPF). The proposed method uses two steps. First, we follow Gabaix (1999) and use a model that follows Zipf's Law to estimate the population of cities (ZIPF, 1949), as in Monasterio (2014). Next, using the Jackknife method, which minimizes population deviations from the standard model, we identify the candidate municipalities for the adjustment and replace their population with the expected counterpart, so as not to present significant discontinuities in the population distribution (McCrary, 2008). We found no significant change in the MPF distribution after this correction, which suggests that the observed phenomenon of discontinuous population distribution is small and, more importantly, models using fuzzy RDD (Brollo et al 2011) cannot be completely invalidated.