The present paper focuses on studying the lunar dynamic processes. As selenophysics is a complex system and moonquakes are complex multi-parametric systems too, the analysis of moonquakes and the development of an analytical theory of such processes require the application of robust methods and using multiparametric calculations. Moreover, selenophysics is a more complex system than geophysics. In this connection, the study of lunar processes and determination of moonquakes parameters require reliable estimates of the results obtained and application of the methods of complex system physics. The observations from “Apollo” space mission were used in the study, and the multiparametric correlation method was developed for their processing. Currently, one uses various methods, similar to the ones for the Earth’s seismic process investigation, such as seismic interferometry for deep moonquakes, time scales analysis, seismic phenomena magnitude gradient change, solution of the inverse problem of signals reflection on “Apollo” stations. Now, on the basis of moonquakes data, the internal structure of the Moon is being studied. Using the moonquakes data, a model of the lunar tidal parameters had been developed and was later refined by “GRAIL” (gravitation), “LRO” (shape), and “LLR” (rotation) space missions’ data. As a result, in the areas where deep moonquakes occurred, the inner layer of the Moon with low viscosity was found. In the present work, the author’s method of analyzing moonquakes allowing to conduct multiparametric analysis of seismic time series observations was applied. The method was developed for the investigation of seismic processes occurring on the Earth using the space observations. In order to provide qualitative description of moonquakes dynamical parameters, the special software was developed.