Skeletal muscle is a type of highly plastic striated muscle tissue, which can adapt to physiological changes from neural, hormonal or external stimuli. All the work and organization of this highly specialized and sophisticated fabric is done together, as a unit. With the advancement of technologies, the development of the skeletal neuromuscular system is increasingly studied. Thus, the purpose of the present study was to explore the skeletal neuromuscular system on its structural, physiological properties and their respective functions, through a mini literature review. This study is a literature review on the skeletal neuromuscular system and all the mechanisms involved for its functioning, constituting an informative textual construction without establishing systematic criteria on the part of the author. The skeletal neuromuscular system represents about 40 to 45% on average of the total body mass in the adult individual and stores around 50 to 75% of all proteins that the individual has. Composed of vessels, nerves and muscle fibers, skeletal muscle performs vital functions, from the simplest to the most complex, demonstrating its importance for survival and preservation of life.