In this paper, we classify the regular balanced Cayley maps of minimal non-abelian metacyclic groups. Besides the quaternion group Q 8 , there are two infinite families of such groups which are denoted by M p,q (m, r) and M p (n, m), respectively. Firstly, we prove that there are regular balanced Cayley maps of M p,q (m, r) if and only if q = 2 and we list all of them up to isomorphism. Secondly, we prove that there are regular balanced Cayley maps of M p (n, m) if and only if p = 2 and n = m or n = m + 1 and there is exactly one such map up to isomorphism in either case. Finally, as a corollary, we prove that any metacyclic p-group for odd prime number p does not have regular balanced Cayley maps.