of this effect. The present work addresses precisely this issue by studying the spectral distribution of the photoconductivity and photovoltaic effect along with their temperature dependence. We focus on the sub-band gap features and correlate their activity to the anomalous photovoltaic effect in BFO single crystals that were obtained from different growth processes and sources. We eventually demonstrate that the photovoltaic current ( I PV ) and V OC can be effectively tuned by pumping the subband gap levels via thermal and electrical fi eld treatments.BiFeO 3 single crystals were grown using original fl ux method as described elsewhere. [ 19 ] Different crystal orientation, domain pattern, grown runs, etc. were used in order to increase the degree of generality of the present study. Additionally, crystals from two different groups, one from the Schmid group in Geneva that was fabricated using the original growth process [ 19 ] and the other from Viret group, [ 16 ] were measured and compared with the in-house grown crystals. The crystals used here show different domain structure from monodomain to multidomain structure. Details on the growth, crystal and domain structure are given in the Experimental Section.The APV effect was measured in all the crystals by acquiring the current-voltage ( I -V ) characteristics ( Figure 1 a) under an illumination from a laser with a wavelength of 405 nm ( hv = 3.06 eV) and an average power intensity of 40 mW cm −2 . The time interval between two points of measurement was long enough to allow stabilization of the photocurrent and achieving the steady-state. BFO single crystals exhibited substantial APV effect and other photoelectric characteristics with V OC 's varying from 0.5 to 51 V depending on the crystals. The details have been summarized in Table S1 of the Supporting Information.The V OC is an extrinsic property of the APV and depends upon the photovoltaic current density ( J PV ), dark conductivity ( σ d ), photoconductivity ( σ ph ) that are related by the following equation given by Fridkin [ 20 ]