We prove that: I. For every regular Lindelöf space X if |X| = ∆(X) and cf|X| = ω, then X is maximally resolvable; II. For every regular countably compact space X if |X| = ∆(X) and cf|X| = ω, then X is maximally resolvable.Here ∆(X), the dispersion character of X, is the minimum cardinality of a nonempty open subset of X.Statements I and II are corollaries of the main result: for every regular space X if |X| = ∆(X) and every set A ⊆ X of cardinality cf|X| has a complete accumulation point, then X is maximally resolvable.Moreover, regularity here can be weakened to π-regularity, and the Lindelöf property can be weakened to the linear Lindelöf property.