MLVA typing was performed for five variable loci of the 52 Vibrio cholerae El Tor biovar strains iso lated before the onset and in different periods of the seventh cholera pandemic, as well as for eight strains of the classical V. cholerae biovar-the causative agent of the preceding Asiatic cholera pandemics. It has been shown that the studied strains, which differ in their molecular genetic properties and are characterized by 38 MLVA types, form seven clonal clusters. Clusters I and II were formed, respectively, by V. cholerae strains of the classical biovar and prepandemic V. cholerae strains, whereas clusters III-VII were formed by V. cholerae El Tor biovar strains isolated in different periods of the latest pandemic. It has been shown that the MLVA typing allows us to clearly differentiate V. cholerae El Tor biovar strains into typical and genetically altered strains. The genetically altered strains are characterized by higher virulence compared with the typical strains, as well as the presence of the ctxB gene of the classical cholera vibrio in the genome. The study showed the possibility of differentiating genovariants isolated in different periods and having different structures of pandemicity island VSP II. Since the VSP II structure directly correlates with the epidemic potential of the strains, the possibility of differentiating isolates with intact and deleted VSP II using the MLVA method deserves further research. Based on the obtained results, we can propose a polyclonal origin of different strains of genovariants.