In this paper we consider the linearized one-phase Stefan problem with surface tension, set in the strip T × (−1, 1), thus with periodic boundary conditions respect to the horizontal direction x1 ∈ T. When the support of the control is not localized in x1, namely, is of the form ω = T × (c, d), we prove that the system is null-controllable in any positive time. We rely on a Fourier decomposition with respect to x1, and controllability results which are uniform with respect to the Fourier frequency parameter for the resulting family of one-dimensional systems. The latter results are also novel, as we compute the full spectrum of the underlying operator for the non-zero Fourier modes. The zeroth mode system, on the other hand, is seen as a controllability problem for the linear heat equation with a finite-dimensional constraint. We extend the controllability result to the setting of controls with a support localized in a box: ω = (a, b) × (c, d), through an argument inspired by the method of Lebeau and Robbiano, under the assumption that the initial data are of zero mean. Numerical experiments motivate several challenging open problems, foraying even beyond the specific setting we deal with herein.