Let F be a foliation in a closed 3-manifold with negatively curved fundamental group and suppose that F is almost transverse to a quasigeodesic pseudo-Anosov flow. We show that the leaves of the foliation in the universal cover extend continuously to the sphere at infinity, therefore the limit sets of the leaves are continuous images of the circle. One important corollary is that if F is a Reebless, finite depth foliation in a hyperbolic manifold, then it has the continuous extension property. Such finite depth foliations exist whenever the second Betti number is non zero. The result also applies to other classes of foliations, including a large class of foliations where all leaves are dense and infinitely many examples with one sided branching. One key tool is a detailed understanding of asymptotic properties of almost pseudo-Anosov singular 1-dimensional foliations in the leaves of F lifted to the universal cover.Hence any orientable, hyperbolic 3-manifold with non finite second homology has such a foliation with the continuous extension property. Conjecturally any closed, hyperbolic 3-manifold has a finite cover with positive first Betti number. This would imply there is always a foliation with the continuous extension property in a finite cover. The proof of corollary A is simple given previous results: If necessary take a double cover and assume that F is transversely oriented. Then Mosher and Gabai proved that such F is almost transverse to a pseudo-Anosov flow Φ [Mo5]. We proved, jointly with Mosher that these flows are quasigeodesic [Fe-Mo]. The main theorem then implies corollary A. The result in [Fe-Mo] is only for finite depth foliations: the proof depends heavily on the existence of a compact leaf, M being hyperbolic and the direct association with a hierarchy. By Thurston's geometrization theorem [Th1, Th2, Mor] it suffices to assume that M is atoroidal.Corollary B − There are infinitely many foliations with all leaves dense which have the continuous extension property. Many of these have one sided branching.