Comparisons of genetic recombination, whether across species, the sexes, individuals, or different chromosomes, require a measure of total recombination. Traditional measures, such as map length, crossover frequency, and the recombination index, are not influenced by the positions of crossovers along chromosomes. Intuitively, though, a crossover in the middle of a chromosome causes more recombination than a crossover at the tip. Similarly, two crossovers very close to each other cause less recombination than if they were evenly spaced. Here, we study a measure of total recombination that does account for crossover position: average r, the probability that a random pair of loci recombines in the production of a gamete. Consistent with intuition, average r is larger when crossovers are more evenly spaced. We show that average r can be decomposed into distinct components deriving from intra-chromosomal recombination (crossing over) and inter-chromosomal recombination (independent assortment of chromosomes), allowing separate analysis of these components. Average r can be calculated given knowledge of crossover positions either at meiosis I or in gametes/offspring. Technological advances in cytology and sequencing over the past two decades make calculation of average r possible, and we demonstrate its calculation for male and female humans using both kinds of data.