Liver cells are located in a critical anatomic site, with dual perfusion by both the portal and systemic circulations. Consequently, they are subject to unusually large changes in the concentrations of solutes such as amino acids, bile acids, and glucose between the fed and fasted states. Because these solutes are concentrated intracellularly, and osmolar gradients as low as ϳ1 mosm⅐L Ϫ1 are sufficient to induce transmembrane water movement, liver cell volume can increase by 5% to 10% in response to increased solute uptake. 1 These primary changes in volume are followed after a delay by compensatory increases in membrane ion permeability of 20-fold or more (Fig. 1), and the resulting shift toward net solute efflux represents a critical adaptive response that favors passive water movement and restoration of cell volume toward basal values. 2 Volume recovery is usually incomplete, however, and there is emerging evidence that the small residual differences from baseline, either positive or negative, act as a signal that directly influences a broad range of processes including kinase activation, gene expression, and membrane transport. 3 In this brief review, the emerging evidence supporting the presence of functional interactions between solute transport, intracellular metabolism, and cell volume is explored. Emphasis is placed on the role of ion channels and membrane transport in cell volume regulation, and the evolution of evidence that cell volume as a critical determinant of liver cell and organ function is summarized as well.