The adult liver is the main source of circulatingThe insulinlike growth factors (IGF-I and IGF-II) are insulinlike growth factors (IGFs ) and their serum circulating peptides with structural homology to proinbinding proteins (IGFBPs) including the acid-labile sulin. 1,2 They are known to participate in the regulation subunit (ALS), a component of the ternary binding of growth, metabolism, and cellular differentiation. 3 protein complex. Within the liver, the biosynthesis of The adult liver has been recognized as the major site individual proteins has been attributed to different of IGF biosynthesis. 4,5 cell populations, e.g., that of ALS to hepatocytes andIn serum, IGFs bind with high affinity to specific that of IGFBP-3 to nonparenchymal cells. Ligand and binding proteins. So far, six distinct binding proteins immunoblotting as well as Northern blotting analyses (named IGFBP-1 to -6) have been identified. 6 In the
3, and of the acid-labile subunit (ALS). 7,8 Formation ofsynthesis of IGFBP-1, -2, and -4 was observed; insulin and IGF-I decreased that of IGFBP-1, and -2 while in-this ternary complex is believed to prolong half-life of creasing that of IGFBP-4. KCs synthesized IGFBP-2, IGFs in systemic circulation 9 and to prevent acute insuand -3, insulin and IGF-I showing no effect. In cocul-linlike actions of these peptides, i.e., hypoglycemia. In tures, however, synthesis of IGFBP-3 was stimulated addition, IGFs form binary complexes with other by insulin and IGF-I. By immunocytochemistry IGFBPs (e.g., IGFBP-1, -2, and -4) of 31 to 40 kd that IGFBP-3 biosynthesis was localized to KCs exclu-are capable of crossing capillary walls and facilitating sively. When pore membranes were used for separa-IGF transport to target tissues. 10 tion of hepatocytes and KCs in coculture, this in-The biosynthesis of serum IGFBPs has been localized sulin-stimulatory action on IGFBP-3 synthesis was to the liver, too. 11 Recently, several studies in rats have size this glycosylated 82-to 88-kd protein. 16,17 Regulation of biosynthesis of individual IGFBPs and of ALS is not uniform and apparently linked to condi- Before the addition of hormones, cultures and cocultures of rat liver cells specific activity of approximately 60 to 80 mCi/mg. Porcine insulin, dexamethasone, and glucose oxidase were obtained were washed with the M-199 medium supplemented with 0.2% (wt/vol) BSA and then incubated in the culture medium from Sigma Chemical Co. (Deisenhofen, Germany). Human GH was kindly donated by Nordisk (Mainz, Germany). En-at 37ЊC for 1 hour. The medium was then replaced by fresh medium supplemented with 0.2% (wt/vol) BSA, and the cells zymes, fetal calf serum (FCS), and M-199 medium were purchased from Boehringer Mannheim (Mannheim, Germany). were incubated in the presence or absence of insulin, IGF-I, and GH in concentrations ranging from 0.1 to 100 nmol/L Bovine serum albumin (BSA), glucagon, and antibiotics were from Serva Feinbiochemica Gmbtt & Co. KG (Heidelberg, each for 36 hours.Immunocytochemistry. For immunocytochemical analys...