It was reported earlier that mutations at the r and rb pea genes, which lead to a decrease in the content of starch in seeds and change in their shape from round to wrinkled [1,2] cause changes in general metabolism due to intensification of basic processes, such as symbiotic fixation of molecular nitrogen and assimilation of nitrate nitrogen [3,4]. As a result, mutant plants and their seeds accumulate greater amounts of protein than the wild-type plants. However, it remains unclear to which extent these mutations affect the assimilation of nitrate nitrogen catalyzed by glutamine synthetase (GS) and glutamate dehydrogenase (GDG). The goal of this study was to investigate the regulation of activity of GS and GDG in the rrrbrb, rrRbRb , and RRrbrb mutants and wild-type pea plants during nitrate assimilation at the stages of heterotrophic and early autotrophic nutrition.Pea plants were grown in aqueous culture in a controlled climatic chamber at a temperature of 22/18°ë (day/night) and a 16-h photoperiod. Experiments were performed on plants grown under a low illuminance (~3 klx), which limited the amount of photosynthates in plants and allowed the role of glucose in the regulation of activity of the key enzymes of nitrogen metabolism to be elucidated. Glucose is a monomer of starch, in the content of which the pea genotypes differed. Plants were grown in a modified Knop solution [5] containing 1.4, 7.1, or 14.2 mM nitrate in different variants of experiment. Glutamine synthase preparation was obtained as follows. An aliquot of plant tissue (~2 g) was ground in 0.05 M Tris-HCl buffer (pH 7.5) supplemented with cysteine (1 mg/50 ml). Proteins were extracted at 4°ë for 1 h. The homogenate obtained was centrifuged at 13000 g for 20 min. The supernatant was passed through columns packed with Sephadex G-25 to remove eliminate low-molecular-weight components. The activity of GS was monitored spectrophotometrically at 540 nm by the amount of γ -glutamylhydroxamic acid ( γ -GHA) [6] and expressed in µ moles of γ -GHA produced in 1 min. The enzyme preparation used for determination of GDG activity was obtained by the same procedure as the GS preparation. The activity of GDG was monitored spectrophotometrically by the change in optical density of reaction mixture at 340 nm due to NADH oxidation upon reductive amination of 2-oxoglutaric acid [7] and expressed in µ moles NADH oxidized in 1 min. Specific activity of enzymes was calculated per mg protein. Protein concentration was determined by the method of Bradford [8].As seen from Fig. 1, the activity of GS in the leaves of wild-type and mutant plants depended on the concentration of nitrate in the medium. At a low nitrate concentration (1.42 mM), the activity of GS did not differ significantly in all genotypes during the growth period studied (11-18 days, yet tended to be greater in the while-type plants. At the optimal nitrate concentration (7.1 mM), the differences in the activity of GS in the wild-type and mutant plants was more pronounced. In the first 13 days of growth, ...