The AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) is a central regulator of the energy status of the cell, based on its unique ability to respond directly to fluctuations in the ratio of AMP:ATP. Because glucose and amino acids stimulate insulin release from pancreatic -cells by the regulation of metabolic intermediates, AMPK represents an attractive candidate for control of -cell function. Here, we show that inhibition of AMPK in -cells by high glucose inversely correlates with activation of the mammalian Target of Rapamycin (mTOR) pathway, another cellular sensor for nutritional conditions. Forced activation of AMPK by AICAR, phenformin, or oligomycin significantly blocked phosphorylation of p70S6K, a downstream target of mTOR, in response to the combination of glucose and amino acids. Amino acids also suppressed the activity of AMPK, and this at a minimum required the presence of leucine and glutamine. It is unlikely that the ability of AMPK to sense both glucose and amino acids plays a role in regulation of insulin secretion, as inhibition of AMPK by amino acids did not influence insulin secretion. Moreover, activation of AMPK by AICAR or phenformin did not antagonize glucose-stimulated insulin secretion, and insulin secretion was also unaffected in response to suppression of AMPK activity by expression of a dominant negative AMPK construct (K45R). Taken together, these results suggest that the inhibition of AMPK activity by glucose and amino acids might be an important component of the mechanism for nutrient-stimulated mTOR activity but not insulin secretion in the -cell.The -cell is unique compared with other mammalian cell types in that its primary function to synthesize and secrete insulin is tightly coupled to its metabolic rate. Glucose is the most potent nutrient in stimulating insulin release. Upon entry into the -cell, glucose is rapidly metabolized, resulting in the generation of mitochondria-derived metabolic intermediates including ATP. This increase in ATP leads to closure of ATPsensitive K ϩ (K ATP )-channels, depolarization of the plasma membrane and opening of voltage-gated L-type Ca 2ϩ channels. The subsequent increase in intracellular Ca 2ϩ concentration [Ca 2ϩ ] i triggers insulin exocytosis (1). The -cell also utilizes certain key amino acids that, via mitochondrial metabolism, can further generate coupling factors that elicit an insulin secretory response (2, 3). In addition to their role as insulin secretagogues, glucose and other nutrients stimulate protein translation and -cell growth and proliferation (4, 5). While much is known regarding how the -cell couples glucose metabolism to insulin secretion, the mechanisms by which -cells sense metabolism of other fuels, such as amino acids, and augment glucose-stimulated insulin release are less clear. Further, it is unclear how the -cell coordinates nutrient abundance with enhanced protein translation and cell growth. This aspect of -cell function is particularly important under conditions of increased insulin demand, such as obesity a...