UDP-pyridoxal competitively inhibits the Ca2`-, cellobiose-activated (1-.3)-#-glucan synthase activity of unfractionated mung bean (Vigna radiata) membranes, with a K, of 3.8 1 0.7 micromolar, when added simultaneously with the substrate UDP-glucose in brief (3 minute) assays. Preincubation of membranes with UDP-pyridoxal and no UDPglucose, however, causes progressive reduction of the V,., of subsequently assayed enzyme and, after equilibrium is reached, 50% inhibition occurs with 0.84 ± 0.05 micromolar UDP-pyridoxal. This progressive inhibition is reversible provided that the UDP-pyridoxylated membranes are not treated with borohydride, indicating formation of a Schiff's base between the inhibitor and an enzyme amino group. Consistent with this, UDP-pyridoxine is not an inhibitor. The reaction of (I-.3)-t,-glucan synthase with UDP-pyridoxal is stimulated strongly by Ca2 and, less effectively, by cellobiose or sucrose, and the enzyme is protected against UDP-pyridoxal by UDP-glucose or by other competitive inhibitors, implying that modification is occurring at the active site. Pyridoxal phosphate is a less potent and less specific inhibitor. Latent (1-.3)-#-glucan synthase activity inside membrane vesicles can be unmasked and rendered sensitive to UDP-pyridoxal by the addition of digitonin. Treatment of membrane proteins with UDP4[3Hlpyridoxal and borohydride labels a number of polypeptides but labeling of none of these specifically requires Ca2' and sucrose; however, a polypeptide of molecular weight 42,000 is labeled by UDP4-3Hjpyridoxal in the presence of Mg2" and copurifies with (1-_3)-O-glucan synthase activity.All living plant cells appear to make the (l1--3)-fl-glucan callose at their plasma membrane primarily as a wound-response, whether the wound is mechanical, due to assault by a pathogen, or due to various other kinds of stress (1, 10, 12, and references therein). In addition, callose is found at particular times in the differentiation of certain unwounded cells, such as cotton fibers, pollen tubes, sieve plates, and the cell plate (5). Successful in vitro assay of (1--3)-fl-glucan synthase at rates approaching physiological polymerization rates requires that the enzyme be activated by micromolar levels of Ca2l and by a ,B-glucoside or sucrose (8,12,19,29 (23), and is of large size but to date has only been partially purified (6,8).At the molecular level, little is known about any ofthe enzymes that catalyze the synthesis of polysaccharides in higher plants. We therefore decided to attempt to identify the catalytic polypeptide of the (1--3)-f3-glucan synthase enzyme protein in unfractionated membranes by a chemical modification approach. Pyridoxal-P has frequently been used as a modifying reagent for lysine residues at the active sites of purified enzymes (1 1, 15, and references therein), and reduction of the resultant Schiffrs bases with borohydride gives stable e-N-pyridoxyl-lysine residues. Addition of a nucleoside moiety can direct pyridoxal -P to nucleotide-binding sites (27, 28); th...