The role of G proteins in regulation of non-voltagegated Na + channels in human myeloid leukemia K562 cells was studied by inside-out patch-clamp method. Na + channels were activated by non-hydrolyzable analog of guanosine triphosphate (GTP), GTPQ QS, known to activate both heterotrimeric and small G proteins. Channel activity was not a¡ected by aluminum £uoride that indiscriminately activates heterotrimeric G proteins. The e¡ect of GTPQ QS was prevented by phalloidin and by G-actin, both interfering with actin disassembly, which indicates that GTPQ QS-induced channel activation was likely due to micro¢lament disruption. GTPQ QS-activated channels were inactivated by polymerizing actin. These data show, for the ¢rst time, that small G proteins can regulate Na + channels, and an intracellular mechanism mediating their e¡ect involves actin cytoskeleton rearrangements. ß