A D P-G lucose P yrophosphorylase, G ene E xpression, M etabolic R egulation, Starch Biosyn thesis R ecent advances in studies on p lan t A D P -glucose p y ro p h o sp h o ry lase (A G P), the key en zyme o f starch biosynthesis, are presented. A G P c o n stitu tes the First com m itted and highly regulated step o f starch synthesis in all p lan t tissues. T h e im p o rtan ce o f A G P in carb o h y d rate m etabolism and several o f its features, such as p o te n t regulation by cellular effectors (3-phosphoglycerate and P;), an u nu su al tw o su b u n it-ty p es structure, tissue-specific an d developm entally-regulated expression, an d presence o f the A G P -deficient m u tan ts, m ake it an a t tractive, but com plex, targ et for b iotechnological m an ip u latio n s. Som e strategies fo r future research on A G P are discussed.