The inhibition of vaccination by maternal antibodies is a widely observed phenomenon in human and veterinary medicine. Maternal antibodies are known to suppress the B-cell response. This is similar to antibody feedback mechanism studies where passively transferred antibody inhibits the B-cell response against particulate antigens because of epitope masking. In the absence of experimental data addressing the mechanism underlying inhibition by maternal antibodies, it has been suggested that epitope masking explains the inhibition by maternal antibodies, too. Here we report that in the cotton rat model of measles virus (
IntroductionMaternal antibodies of the immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibody class are transferred from mother to child and protect children against infectious diseases. Over time, passively transferred maternal antibody titers decline and are not protective any longer but interfere with successful vaccination. A well-documented example of this is measles vaccination. 1 Inoculation of seronegative children with a live-attenuated vaccine measles virus (MV) leads first to the development of antibodies specific for the nucleocapsid (MV-N) protein (which is released by infected cells) and subsequently to protective neutralizing antibodies specific for the hemagglutinin (MV-H) and fusion (MV-F) proteins. 2 Neutralizing antibodies recognize at least 15 nonoverlapping neutralizing epitopes on MV-H and 3 on MV-F. 3 Vaccination in the presence of maternal antibodies, however, does not lead to development of protective neutralizing antibodies, 4 whereas the T-cell response is readily detectable. [5][6][7][8][9][10] These findings indicate a specific inhibition of B-cell responses by maternal antibodies. In the absence of experimental data, inhibition of B cells has been postulated to be the result of physical blockage of epitopes by maternal antibodies (epitope masking 11 ). This model is based on antibody feedback mechanism studies. 11,12 In these studies, passive transfer of IgG suppresses the B-cell response against sheep red blood cells. Epitope masking leads to epitope-specific suppression at lower antibody concentrations, whereas at higher antibody concentrations also nonepitopespecific inhibition was observed and explained by steric hindrance. 13 A proposed alternate mechanism is based on the only inhibitory receptor of the IgG binding Fc receptor family, Fc␥-IIB receptor (Fc␥RIIB). On B cells, cross-linking of Fc␥RIIB to the B-cell receptor (BCR) through antigen/antibody complexes leads to inhibition of activation and antibody secretion. 12,[14][15][16] This mechanism was dismissed for the antibody feedback model because IgG is inhibitory in Fc-receptor knockout mice, 17 an IgG3 isotype antibody that in the mouse does not bind to Fc␥RIIB can be inhibitory, 18,19 and in some studies F(abЈ) 2 fragments can also inhibit B-cell responses. 17,20,21 In summary, these studies provide evidence for epitope masking as the main mechanism of inhibition of antibody responses in the antibody feedback model. Whether the...